Issues with Zaxis raising on start of cut path

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Issues with Zaxis raising on start of cut path

Post by jmlake »

I am the 3rd owner of my table. It is about 10 years old and has been great! While cutting the other day, the torch got stuck on a piece of metal that tipped up. It pulled the torch/magnets off the mount. I remounted the torch and tried to cut. Now the torch goes to the first cut step, goes up instead of down, then fires. I stopped zeroed x,y, and z. I placed z 1/8" above the metal surface per the instructions I have (set zero). No help, torch goes to first cut step, raises to top of the stroke fires and shuts off. When I manually shut the torch off, it will run the rest of the g code. If I manually put torch back on, it stops immediately.

When I cut the torch raises up but the z axis display is reading .06 as it should. Problem is the torch is like 5" above the metal.  Even when I run torch down 1/8" above the metal and zero z axis. I start a program it raises torch up z axis reads 1.200, starts cut path 5" or so above metal, starts moving z axis readout goes to .06. 

Table is a Arclight Dynamics
Deezl Smoke
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Re: Issues with Zaxis raising on start of cut path

Post by Deezl Smoke »

I too run Arclight. Great service behind the product btw.
Firstly, send them an email now so they can help you early monday if your issue is not resolved here first.

Likely you'll be asked to unplug the cables from the "hub" in the control cabinet, and let sit a monute then plug them back i n and test.

If not the issue, there should be an icon on the desktop like "hub utility", open it and select I think it is like hardware detected or something similar. Sorry, not by my machine at the moment, just going by memory. See if it shows DTHC or the type of torch height control you have. If it does not show up in the list, then there must be something broken in the feedback loop. Like a bad cable connection or the like.

Hopefully someone far more experienced than I will come along soon and fix it for you.
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Re: Issues with Zaxis raising on start of cut path

Post by tcaudle »

The most important value of the DTHC is the voltage because that is the feedback the DTHC uses to adjust the heoight/ I would be willing ot bet you are getting zero volts so the DTHC is trying ot RAISE the voltage by raising the torch.
Do this: Raise you torch up above the table /material and fire it and watch the TROCH VOLTS display. Ifs not about 160 to 165 volts fired in the air its time to dig deeper. Se if you can put the DTHC in MANUAL and turn it OFF and run a sstraigh line cut at .06 gap and the correct feedrate . If the TOrch volts is not close to the correct one for that material and consumables then its further indication you have a problem with the voltage feedback/
Most of the older controllers have ways to test various features. If you can't get the table vendor to help then go to the website and the SUPPORT section and either join the Support Form linked there or submit an RFS (Request for support)
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