Couple of questions...

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Couple of questions...

Post by wickedinhere »

Sheetcam is great, my first few parts cut right side up and i guess i did something now they cut upside down. The other question is i have a file with 4 crosses on it that all come up in sheeetcam at the same time, how do get it to just cut one of the crosses and not all of them?
Sorry i am a newbie and still learning.
I Lean
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Re: Couple of questions...

Post by I Lean »

Your first question, I have no idea.

Second question, go to Contour properties, right-click on the one cross you want, and move it to a new layer. On the layer view, make sure that new layer is the only one checked. When you make your operation, just select that layer as well. It's easier to do than it is to explain. :D
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Re: Couple of questions...

Post by wickedinhere »

Thanks that really helps
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