Y Axis Losing Steps....STILL!!!

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Y Axis Losing Steps....STILL!!!

Post by Rickzink »

This issue has some history to it and I am tempted to smash this table with my excavator!!! This has been going on too long without resolution.

I purchased this table and immediately the computer crapped out. I took the opportunity to upgrade to the newer linux system. As soon as we got it up and running, one of my two X axis motors went out. Ordered a new one, replaced and ran fine for about a week. At that point, the Y Axis motor starting going our. Had a bad bearing. It was making a very loud grinding sound. OK, order that motor and replaced. System ran fine, off and on....sorta.

It started making a grinding noise again however, no where near as loud but still enough to throw me off zero on my Y axis. Again, I am losing steps on Y Axis only.

I contacted CandCNC about it and was given some things to troubleshoot. I was told its not likely that the bearings go out so it must be a electrical issue. I was told to make sure all the screws on my Gecko Drive were tight. I did. I used it for a couple of weeks without a single problem, shut it down, powered down completely for a week. Started it up yesterday afternoon and had the issue of it losing steps on Y axis as soon as I start cutting. Shut it down overnight and started it first thing this morning and it ran fine for awhile then, out of nowhere, its back to losing steps again.

I have noticed that the system seems to run better the cooler the outdoor air temp is but why would heat affect it like this. The heat coming off the Y motor doesn't seem to be any different than any other motors and my gecko drives do not seem to be too hot either. My Z axis motor and gecko drive a far hotter than the Y Axis motor and Z runs fine. No issues.

Please help. I am frustrated beyond all belief!!!
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Re: Y Axis Losing Steps....STILL!!!

Post by adbuch »

I would assume that your drives have settings (jumpers or switches) for current settings. Perhaps you have your output current set too high and this is causing the motor or motors to overheat. Just a thought. I expect Robert Spark will chime in since he seems knowledgeable on these diy setups.
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Re: Y Axis Losing Steps....STILL!!!

Post by weldguy »

If your working with a C&CNC control system you have good equipment and the jumpers or switches will likely be exactly where they should be.

If you are noticing performance differences in various temps or humidity levels I suspect you have a loose or broken wire. Temps can affect expansion/contraction of the copper wire, and humidity can affect conductivity.

I would go over ALL cables and connections associated with the problem motor very carefully. Go as far as removing the wires from screw down terminals to be sure the screw down is not clamping partially on wire insulation. be very thorough and not in a hurry and I am sure you will find something.
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BTA Plasma
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Re: Y Axis Losing Steps....STILL!!!

Post by BTA Plasma »

All good controllers have a cooling fan. Is yours running?
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